How Do You Overcome Addiction?

June 17, 2022

With the unawareness of mental health issues, People turn to drugs for temporary relief from stress and develop addiction issues. If you think you or your beloved are currently struggling with addiction, you are not alone. According to the AIIMS report, nearly 18 lakh adults and 4.6 lakh children fall in the badly addicted category in India. There are different kinds of addictions, and they can manifest as physical addiction or psychological addiction, or both. If you are wondering how to overcome addiction, this article will provide beneficial ways to guide you through the recovery process with natural deaddiction treatment options.

Different kinds of addictions

  • Alcohol Addiction
  • Drug Addiction
  • Sex Addiction
  • Internet Addiction
  • Food Addiction

Signs of addiction

  • Extreme mood swings
  • Change in sleeping patterns
  • Change in behaviours
  • Decreased socialisation
  • Involving in risky situations

How do you overcome addiction?

The question of how do you overcome addiction can be stressful, especially when you are battling with addiction. But for addiction and recovery, it is essential to understand how addiction works. When someone gets high for the first time, the addiction to the substance or activity begins because the brain releases dopamine, a happy chemical in the brain. Compulsive behaviour starts when the brain responds to an activity or substance with pleasure. It also stores these enticing memories, making the person want more.

You may be wondering if it is ever possible to overcome addiction?

Fortunately, The answer is yes.

Addiction is entirely curable, and you can regain your normal state with few lifestyle changes.

The following ways will help you overcome all types of addiction:-

1) Commit to change

The first step towards healing from addiction is mentally allowing yourself to accept the change and enable the recovery process.

Remember, consistency is the key to recovery, so stick to your recovery process even if it seems challenging.

2) Change your environment

If you think your environment is making you seek drugs, try to change your place during the recovery stage. If your friends have addiction issues, it can cause you to relapse. It is best to stay distant from those friends during the recovery process.

3) Seek support

The withdrawal symptoms can be hard to deal with. It is best to seek support from your sober friends during this stage, as they will help you with emotional support. If it is overwhelming, seek a therapist.

4) Engage in healthy distractions

Involving in volunteering, painting, music, and travelling can help you gain a new perspective and can protect you from relapse. Healthy habits like reading and journaling can make you mentally strong and gain hope.

5) Exercise regularly

Start exercising to overcome your addiction. Recovering addicts who exercise regularly report a reduction in their worries and stress. They also improved their social skills and found happiness in their lives. Physical activity will make you feel better because it will energise you during the day and help you sleep better at night.

It is not easy to overcome an addiction. Aside from the tips we’ve discussed, you may require professional assistance. Approach Naveen Hospital for the best De-Addiction Centre in Coimbatore, we help people overcome addiction.

Do not rush your healing process. Every worthwhile endeavour takes time. You’ve been using drugs or engaging in destructive behaviour for some period. And it will take some time for a full recovery. Stay positive. It’s just as important as getting there.

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