How to Leave Tobacco Addiction?

August 1, 2022

Tobacco is one of the addictive substances that causes death. Statistics show that nearly 7 million people die annually because of direct tobacco usage. Tobacco addiction is caused due to the chemical substance called nicotine present in tobacco which prevents people from quitting it. This article will help you with tips on how to Leave Tobacco Addiction.

Tobacco addiction symptoms

  • Endless craving for smoking
  • Smoking withdrawal symptoms after you stop
  • Despite being aware of the consequences and health risks, people continue to use tobacco.
  • More tobacco is required to feel satisfied.

How to Leave Tobacco Addiction

The question of How to Leave Tobacco Addiction may look challenging to find solutions, but quitting smoking is easier than you think. With proper Tobacco addiction treatment and some practices, you can easily overcome it.

1) Go for Nicotine alternative therapy

Nicotine gum, nasal sprays, lozenges, and inhalers are some short-time nicotine replacement therapies that can support you to resist extreme cravings. These simple techniques are typically safe with nicotine patches or nicotine-less medications to stop smoking.

E-cigarettes have recently gained popularity as an alternative to smoking standard cigarettes. However, e-cigarettes are not helpful as nicotine replacement medications in supporting individuals to quit tobacco.

2) Avoid triggering situations

Tobacco cravings are most likely higher in places where you chewed tobacco or smoked the most, such as at parties or bars or sipping coffee. Determine your triggers and devise a strategy to avoid or overcome them without smoking.

Don’t put yourself in a position to go back to smoking. If you used to smoke while talking on the mobile, keep a paper and pen nearby to keep you occupied with some random doodles instead of smoking.

3) Practice workout

Being physically active can help reduce nicotine urges and alleviate few withdrawal signs. Instead of thinking of smoking, put on your jogging shoes or inline skates. Mild exercise, such as clearing weeds in the garden or walking your dog, is beneficial. The endorphins you get from activities will keep you from gaining weight as you stop smoking.

4) Seek support

Tell your family, friends, and other important people in your life that you are trying to stop tobacco. They can motivate you to continue, especially when you relapse. Furthermore, you can talk to a therapist or connect with a support group. Cognitive behavioural therapy is a kind of therapy that assists you with strategies to stop smoking. Engaging in occasional sessions may be extremely valuable.

5) Engage in relaxation activities.

Nicotine helps people de-stress, which is one of the reasons they smoke. You’ll require other ways to soothe once you stop smoking. There are numerous alternatives. You can use workouts to reduce stress, interact with friends, enjoy listening to music, unwind with a spa, or indulge in a new hobby. Don’t engage in stressful circumstances in the initial weeks after stopping smoking.

It is possible to quit smoking by sticking to your goals and seeking support. Just be patient and stay consistent.

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