How to Treat Bipolar Depression?

January 21, 2025

According to the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), United States, bipolar disorder or manic depression is a kind of mental illness or disorder that affects individuals in terms of mood changes, energy levels, regular activities, or focus/concentration. 

People affected with such disorders often experience two types of episodes. One is the manic episode characterized by extremely happy or energetic moods. The other is the depressive episode characterized by extremely sad or hopeless moods. Thus, a bipolar mental disorder is also referred to as bipolar depression. 

What are the symptoms of bipolar disorder?

An individual affected by this type of mental illness will definitely exhibit extreme mood swings which is the primary sign of symptom. However, not all people exhibit the same levels because the duration of the episodes or respective highs or lows vary from one person to another—based on their emotional stability, life experiences, and current situations. 

Symptoms of bipolar mania episode:

  • Irregular sleep due to higher energy levels 
  • Increased interest in doing more work or activities
  • Repeated impulsive thoughts, behaviors, and actions 
  • Excessively ecstatic than other people

Symptoms of bipolar depression episode:

  • Increased suicidal or self-destructing thoughts
  • Constantly irritated or restless
  • Repeatedly feeling hopeless and sad
  • No interest in doing regular activities or chores

What is the treatment method or cure for this mental illness?

Honestly, there is no single cure or medication for this depressive bipolar illness. In fact, it is a lifelong illness that accompanies a lifelong treatment which helps just mitigate the risks, or consequences, but does not cure the prevailing condition. 

What is the ongoing treatment for bipolar disorder?

1. Therapies

  • Talk therapy or psychotherapy: A typical talk or psychotherapy helps the affected individuals overcome negative beliefs and motivates them to face situations with balance.    
  • Electroconvulsive therapy: This therapy is recommended for those who face depressive episodes with suicidal instincts.  
  • Social rhythm therapy: To resume everyday routine and circadian sleep cycles, this therapy is very helpful. 
  • Cognitive behavioral therapy: As the name implies, this therapy enables the patients to get positive thoughts and behaviors leading to sobriety.


2. Combination of bipolar medication

For depressive bipolar disorder, anti-depressants are the suitable medication. However, when a patient takes a combination of medicines like anti-depressants, mood stabilizers, and antipsychotics, the results can be better—meaning the duration of episodes can be minimized. 

3. Participation in support group activities  

Joining or participating in activities that involve support groups who are suffering from the same mental illness helps individuals spontaneously share their thoughts, and feelings, as well as paves the way for new learnings, like good habits, diet tips, positivity affirmations, etc.   

4. Self-management plans or strategies

This is the best treatment for bipolar disorder among all the treatment methods discussed in this article as it directly influences the everyday behavior of the individual who is trying to cope with his or her mental disorder.

  • Consciously balancing the work-life: This helps balance emotions.  
  • Following a healthy diet: Helps promote mental health and wellness. 
  • Getting enough sleep: Helps regulate the happy and sad hormonal secretions. Most importantly, this first step in any bipolar treatment.
  • Staying adequately active and energetic: Controls the mood swings or impulsive thoughts.
  • Ensuring a proper and regular routine: Keeps you occupied and avoids overthinking or emoting. 
  • Building positive relationships: Ensures you’re surrounded by positive people and positive feelings. 


Best treatment center for bipolar disorder in India

Naveen Hospital, Coimbatore, is a specialized mental health care hospital that offers holistic, effective, and personalized treatment services for patients affected by bipolar illness. They take extended efforts from understanding your symptoms to accurately diagnosing your mental health concerns to offering a perfect guide or treatment.

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