Mental Health Care – What Are We Doing About It?

October 6, 2022

lobally, the growing number of individuals who are looking for mental health care lack access to innovative and reliable mental health services. Shortages of human resources, stigma, lack of capacity for research, policy changes and implementation at the ground level and isolated service delivery frameworks and models contribute to the impending gaps in the current mental health system. The challenges and the need to bridge the gap between the demand and accessibility to long-term mental health care & facilities remain unmet.

About Self-Care

Self-care is nothing but the time to do things that can extend your life but also improve your physical, and particularly mental health. Coming to your mental health, it can help in stress management, lowering the risk of different illness resulting in the increase of energy and stamina levels. Even little acts of self-care in your everyday life can impact your life in a big way including getting regular exercises (30-min walking); eating wholesome, regular and balanced diet; limiting beverages including coffee or soft drinks; making sleep a priority; reducing use of e-gadgets before bedtime; trying out a relaxing activity; exploring a wellness program or apps including muscle relaxation, meditation or breathing exercises; healthy activities including journaling; setting goals, objectives and priorities; practicing the art of mindfulness and gratitude; focus on positive things; and staying connected by reaching out family members or friends for emotional support among others.

The approach of self-care can be different for every individual and therefore, it is important to identify one’s preferences and dislikes. It is a process of trial and error to explore what works for you and what doesn’t. Besides, though self-care is not the panacea for mental illness, understanding what can trigger or activate mild symptoms, and what coping techniques and methods work for you can help in the self-management of mental health.

When to seek long-term mental health treatment?

Check for professional help if you’re going through distress or severe symptoms that last for more than two weeks or more including

1. Difficulty relaxing or sleeping

2 Changes in regular diet or appetite leading to unwanted weight changes

  1. A sense of lost interest in things you generally find motivating or enjoyable to do
  2. Inability to carry out everyday responsibilities and tasks.

Never wait until your symptoms prove overpowering. Do discuss your concerns first with your family doctor or a primary health care provider who can provide references to a long-term psychiatric hospital or mental health specialist if required. Let’s not forget that mental health is the totality of your psychological, physical, emotional and social well-being impacting how you feel, think, believe, make different choices, and relate to individuals in the society. Mental health is not just about mental illness—it is more probably more than that—and how you lead a healthy and quality life revolves much around the condition of your mental health. If you’re hard pressed to find the right long term mental care facilities, then your search ends right here.

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