Most Common Type of Eating Disorder

September 5, 2022

Eating disorders are a type of psychological state or condition that leads to unhealthy eating habits that build up. They might trigger obsession with body weight, food or body shape. In severe cases, eating disorder can result in serious health conditions, and may even lead to death if left unattended. As a matter of fact, eating disorders are considered as one of the deadliest mental illnesses next to opioid overdose. Coming to the symptoms of eating disorders, the most common symptoms include food binges, severe food restrictions and purging behaviors such as over-exercising and vomiting.

The causes of eating disorder, including eating faster, binge eating disorder and eating large amounts of food, as well as its negative impacts upon affected individuals are well documented through research. Usually those who lack control over eating look for treatment available at low rates, or in most cases do not report their symptoms related to eating disorder at all. This blog will cover some of the most common types of eating disorders. Here’s a brief look at them. It is to be noted that each type of eating disorder will have its own symptoms, in addition to a few common symptoms.

Anorexia nervosa

One of the most common types of eating disorders, Anorexia nervosa is generally observed during adolescence or pubescence and affects more females than males. People suffering with Anorexia usually consider themselves obese or overweight, even if they are critically underweight. They are characterized by constant monitoring of their weight, avoidance of eating specific food types and severe restriction in the intake of calories. Anorexia is further divided into two distinct subtypes—the purging and binge eating type and the restricting type.

It comes as no surprise that Anorexia can negatively affect the body as well as mind. Over a period of time, individuals undergoing Anorexia nervosa may experience infertility, brittle nails and hair. Anorexia can be very damaging to the body. Consequently, individuals living with it may experience infertility and Osteoporosis or bone-thinning. In severe conditions, it can lead to brain, heart or multi-organ failure and even death.

Bulimia nervosa

Bulimia nervosa is another typical eating disorder type. Similar to Anorexia, bulimia is found to develop during early adulthood and adolescence. This disorder is increasingly prevalent in men compared to women. People undergoing Bulimia normally eat unusually large quantities of food in a particular time frame. In critical cases, bulimia can result in imbalance in the electrolyte levels including calcium, potassium and sodium. At an extreme level, this can even cause a stroke or heart attack.

Binge eating disorder

Another common type of eating disorder is Binge eating disorder, considered as one of the most prevalent chronic illnesses with adolescents. It usually starts during adulthood and adolescence phase, though it can also develop in future years. Individuals going through this disorder experience bulimia-like symptoms or the binge-eating sub-category of Anorexia.


Pica is another eating disorder characterized by eating items that aren’t classified as food and those that don’t offer nutritional value. Individuals having pica crave for non-food materials including dirt, ice, chalk, soil, soap, hair, paper, wool, cloth, laundry detergent, cornstarch or pebbles. Picca can develop in children, adults and adolescents.

Rumination disorder

Rumination disorder is the latest find in the list of recognized eating disorders. It is a condition in which an individual regurgitates food which they have already swallowed and chewed, re-chews or masticulates it, and then either spits it out or re-swallows it. This rumination is more pronounced within the first 30 minutes post-meal session.

Avoidant/Restrictive Food Intake Disorder (ARFID)

Avoidant/Restrictive Food Intake Disorder (ARFID) is the latest name for an already existing disorder. This terminology has given way to “feeding disorder of infancy and early childhood,” a diagnosis earlier reserved for kids below age 7. Individuals experiencing this disorder are characterized by disturbed eating due to apathy in eating or distaste for particular tastes, smells, temperatures, textures or colors. If you’re looking for the most trusted eating disorder treatment centre in Coimbatore, then your search ends right here at Naveen Hospital.

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