Top 10 Most Common Mental Disorders

June 30, 2022

A mental health disorder can negatively impact people of every age, sex, ethnicity, gender or socioeconomic class. On a scale, it can vary from mild to severe, and let’s face it—it’s a medical condition with many factors that can lead to illness in most cases. Patients struggling with mental disorders usually go through altered thinking and behavioural moods. As per a study by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, over 50 per cent of individuals will be diagnosed with some form of mental illness during their lifetime. We have listed the 10 most common mental health disorders or mental health conditions affecting Indian adults.

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)

ASD is one of the common neurological and developmental health disorders that affect how one interacts and communicates with others, learns things and behaves with others. Although Autism can be detected at an early age, it is termed as a “developmental disorder”, as the symptoms are usually seen in the first two years of an individual’s life.


Schizophrenia is a common serious mental health disorder that can lead people to experience delusions, hallucinations or express no emotions whatsoever. Individuals having schizophrenia undergo difficulty in the areas of cognizance, management of emotions, decision-making and appertaining to others.

Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar Disorder is another common mental disorder, in terms of mood, that causes emotional swing from extremely high (manic) to unsafely low (depressive). The possible effects of Bipolar Disorder include broken relationships, poor academic results or weak performance in studies, and, in some cases, even suicide.

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)

If you see people with unwanted, repetitive, irrational and obsessive urges of particular actions, it is nothing but Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD). This symptom can be seen in an individual when he or she is a child, adolescent or young adult. Typically, these symptoms can last over an hour each day and affect one’s daily life.

Anxiety Disorders

One of the most common mental health disorders anywhere in the world, the symptoms are characterized by panic attacks, phobias and OCD. A study estimated that over 40 million adults are suffering from an anxiety disorder. Though we all experience anxiety at some stage in our lives, extreme fear and distress, as a result of anxiety disorder, can hold back our daily activities to some extent.


Phobias come in different forms as a result of anxiety disorders. Social phobia or social anxiety disorder can lead one to become anxious or self-conscious. If one is spending days and weeks carrying a single situation in the head, he or she is likely to suffer from panic order or social anxiety leading to agoraphobia. This aggravated fear can make one to ditch activities or even escape from the home.

Substance Use Disorder

Mental health conditions and substance use can co-exist, and therefore it is necessary that treatment is necessary for both mental health challenges. It is also one of the most common mental disorders leading to personality disorders, schizophrenia, depression and anxiety.

Eating Disorders

Anorexia nervosa, Bulimia nervosa and other binge-eating disorders are characterised by extreme mental behaviours, which are generally entrenched in complex psychological and biological causes, such as anxiety and depression.

Personality Disorders

Personality Disorders include Avoidant Personality Disorder (ADP), Antisocial Personality Disorder (ASPD) and Borderline personality (BPD).

Mood Disorders

Five major mood disorders include Bipolar disorder, also termed manic depression; Dysthymia; Mood disorder associated with another health condition, Substance-induced mood disorder and Major depressive disorder. If you’re suffering from mood disorder, it is likely that your general mood or emotional state is either out of condition or inconsistent with your situation, and often get in the way of your ability to function. Get the best treatment for mental disorders at Naveen Hospital.

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