What Does a Psychiatrist Do For Depression?

March 26, 2023

The first thing that comes to your mind when in depression is – Whom to consult? Should I consult a Psychiatrist for anxiety and depression? Or a Psychologist?

Here is our answer: A Psychiatrist is a medical doctor with a medical degree and license to treat your depression or mental disorders. They use a variety of treatment techniques like therapy & medication.

Whereas, a Psychologist is a clinical doctor without a medical degree. But owns a license to treat depression or behavioral disorders. They majorly use Psychotherapy as the treatment technique. And strictly NO medication. Here are some additional pieces of information for when should you see a psychiatrist for depression and why.

When to See a Psychiatrist For Depression?

The moment you get to realize any of these major symptoms of depression, then it is the right time to see a Psychiatrist.

  • The feeling of grief or melancholy for a longer period
  • Loss of appetite and sleep
  • A feeling of irritation instead of enthusiasm or happiness
  • Inability to critically and logically think

How to choose a good psychiatrist?

What Does a Psychiatrist Do For Depression?

In the first meeting or session, a psychiatrist first listens to the patient about his/her depression, mental illness, or symptoms. Based on the behavioral & verbal understanding, the psychiatrist then attempts a formal diagnosis. It may include oral Q&A, medical tests, discussions, etc.

Certainly, each patient may have varying causes and symptoms. For that, the psychiatrists take turns ruling out the possible options one by one.

  • For some people, continuous sadness or any saddening life event may cause depression. On the contrary, some people may not have undergone any such situation. But get depressed out of just stress. Thus, Psychiatrists first pinpointedly identify the real cause of depression.
  • Identify if there exist any cause-and-effect problems associated with depression. Examples: Chronic health issues-related medication, sleep apnea, etc.
  • Then, the psychiatrists eliminate the chances of addiction, ADHD, bipolar or other mental disorders.

Once the psychiatrist diagnoses the cause of depression and the severity of the problem, then formulates a customized treatment plan. The customized depression treatment plan will include one or more of the following options:

  • Psychotherapy (Psychologically treat the problem)
  • Psychopharmacology (Medications like antidepressants to overcome depression)
  • Cognitive and behavioral therapy (Therapy to transform mentally and physically)

Are psychiatrists and therapists the same? No.

As mentioned earlier, depending upon the severity of depression, people may have to attend psychiatric sessions in different ranges. For some, the patient may overcome their depression in 5-10 sessions. But for some, it might take at least 25-35 sessions. So, do not come to a conclusion in the initial phase of depression treatment. This is what psychiatrists majorly expect from patients.

Now that you know what does a psychiatrist do or treat depression, you must know the benefits:

  • A feeling of positivity and motivated
  • Physically feel afresh and energetic
  • Reduced stress or anxiety
  • Face life without fear and at ease
  • Healthy lifestyle changes and social interaction

Despite so many benefits of seeing a psychiatrist, you may doubt why should you not see a Psychologist for depression. Of course, you can consult a Psychologist if you feel you’re physically unaffected. And do not need any sort of medicative measures to handle your mental illness or depression. In that case, a Psychologist after diagnosing your problem may tell if you need medications or not. Accordingly, the psychologist will direct you to a Psychiatrist.

World’s Best Psychiatrist in Coimbatore

Naveen Hospital having the best psychiatrists in Coimbatore is an end-to-end mental healthcare centre. With more than two and a half decades of service, now, they have a strong network of the best and most renowned Psychiatrists in the world.

Call now to book your appointment.

The expert psychiatrist at this Hospital is well-experienced in handling anxiety and depression. Too, lately, most people visit the hospital for depression due to covid-19 pandemic. For example, people who lost their job, cannot manage their work-life balance, inability to tackle medical emergencies, etc.

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